ORDER BY: 정렬 구문 (DESC 오름차순, ASC 내림차순)
LIMIT: 보여주는 데이터 개수 한계치
as: 테이블 명 변경 시 사용
1. Write a query to display the names of those students that are between the ages of 18 and 20.
FROM students
WHERE age BETWEEN '18' AND '20'
2. Write a query to display all of those students that contain the letters "ch" in their name or their name ends with the letters "nd".
FROM students
WHERE student_name LIKE '%ch%'
OR student_name LIKE '%nd'
3. Write a query to display the name of those students that have the letters "ae" or "ph" in their name and are NOT 19 years old.
SELECT student_name
FROM students
WHERE (student_name LIKE '%ae%' OR student_name LIKE '%ph%')
AND age != 19
4. Write a query that lists the names of students sorted by their age from largest to smallest.
SELECT student_name
FROM students
ORDER BY age desc
5. Write a query that displays the names and ages of the top 4 oldest students.
SELECT student_name, age
FROM students
ORDER BY age desc
6. ADVANCED: Write a query that returns students based on the following criteria:
The student must not be older than age 20 if their student_no is either between 3 and 5 or their student_no is 7. Your query should also return students older than age 20 but in that case they must have a student_no that is at least 4.
FROM students
WHERE age < '20'
AND (student_no BETWEEN '3' AND '5' OR student_no = '7')
OR (age > '20' AND student_no >= '4');
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